June 20, 2007





Georgia Tech's Legendary
Ramblin' Wreck Wrecked!

The 1930 Model A Sports Coupe , which has led Georgia Tech football teams onto the field since the 1961 season, is in need of an overhaul after the legendary vehicle was involved in an accident on its way to a wedding ceremony this weekend.

Tech senior John Bird and his brother, Matt, were hauling the Wreck on a flatbed truck on Friday when there was "a grinding noise" and "we hit the ditch and the Wreck fell on its side," Bird said.

The brothers received minor injuries, but the car was damaged on its roof and side, he said.

"It's gonna lead the team out on the field for that Sept. 8 football game, that's for sure," associate athletic director Wayne Hogan told WAGA-TV.

The accident occured near Forsyth, Georgia and WAGA said the Rambling Wreck was at an undisclosed location where Bird and others planned to make repairs. There are two other cars in store that could be used in a pinch, the station said.

Witnesses said that recovery of the wrecked Ramblin' Wreck was delayed for almost half an hour by two middle-aged Georgia Bulldawg Fans who pulled up in a green pickup truck and offered to help. "At that point we needed all the help we could get", said Bird, "so we said okay. Then, next thing you know, one of them was jumping up and down on the Wreck, while the other one danced around sprinkling something all over the Ramblin' Wreck out of a Jack Daniel's bottle that had some kind of little Georgia Bulldawgs helmet on top of it. It was the strangest thing you ever saw. I think they were about half drunk or maybe crazy or something"

Tyrone Anderson, a local restaurant owner who lives near the crash site and witnessed the whole thing, told The Gazette, "I don't knows if dem boys be all tore up or not, but they was from down 'round Savannah way. I knowed dat right off by they accent. I seen that kind of carryin on before when I was a boy and we used to goes on vacation an stays with Granny Roundtree down to Sandfly, Georgia ever summer.  Them folks be gots they own ways down there 'round Savannah and dat was some of dat Swamp Voodoo they be puttin' on dat ole Ramblin' Wreck's ass.  Dat car's tore up good, but dat ain't they big problem now. They big problem is dat Swamp Voodoo. You don't wanna mess wif Swamp Voodoo. It'll mess yo ass up!  If they's smart, dem Tech boys be sell that car to de junkman before de sun goes down and goes out and gets dem a new Ramblin' Wreck that don't have no swamp voodoo all over it's ass."

Al Handy, General Sales Manager of Aloysius Motors, showed up hot on the heels of the first wrecker on the scene and also offered his help as he passed out business cards to the Tech boys and onlookers. "We have a whole lot full of automobiles and trucks. They'd make fine Ramblin' Wrecks and we'll be glad to make Tech a deal on any one they like. We'll even take their old car in trade. Without even having our mechanics go over it, I'm prepared right now to offer them ten cents per pound for their old car and we'll split the cost of the wrecker with them and even give all of Tech's cheer leaders free headbands."

Georgia Tech spokesmen Lucas Nerdly said that Tech had no intention of trading in the Ramblin' Wreck or selling it to the junkman. "The Ramblin' Wreck is an integral part of our tradition and we'll never part with it", said Nerdly.

When told of Tech's plan to keep and repair the Ramblin' Wreck, Tyrone Anderson shook his head and said, "Well, I wishes dem boys luck. I sho' does. They gone needs it too, 'cause they be screwed now if they tooken that ole Swamp Voodoo home with they ass.  Dat ole Swamp Voodoo ain't nuttin' to fool 'round wif. Them Tech boys can be fix dat car all they wants, but they ain't never gonna get dat Swamp Voodoo off a her ass. No Sir! Dat stuff don't never come off! You can't be wash it off never! Them Yellow Jackets probably ain't never gone beat dem ole Bulldawg again. Leastwise nots long as they gots dat Swamp Voodoo all over they ass!"